Facebook (Meta) Acquisitions & Mergers


© History Oasis


  • Facebook.com domain for $200,000 (2005)
  • Contact-importing startup Octazen Solutions (2010)
  • Photo-sharing service Divvyshot (2010)
  • Instagram for $1 billion (2012)
  • The team from Storylane, but not the product itself (2013)
  • Analytics company Onavo for approximately $120 million (2013)
  • Messaging app WhatsApp for $19 billion (2014)
  • Virtual reality company Oculus VR for $2 billion (2014)
  • Voice recognition startup Wit.ai (2015)
  • Video compression startup QuickFire Networks (2015)
  • Image search engine startup Dreambit (2018)
  • ID verification startup Confirm.io (2018)


Facebook.com logo
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In the year 2005, the social media platform Facebook took a major step in solidifying control of its brand identity by acquiring the Facebook.com domain name for the sum of $200,000.

This move allowed the rapidly growing startup, originally founded just a year prior by Mark Zuckerberg and his Harvard classmates, to establish the Facebook.com domain as the authoritative online location for the Facebook service.

Having secured control of the ideal domain name matching their company title, Facebook's founders could now clearly convey in a simple web address the identity of their burgeoning social network, which at the time was still only available for use by college students but would soon open up more broadly.

The acquisition of the domain preempted any potential confusion from competitors or imitators seeking to capitalize on Facebook's increasingly high profile in the online world.

Though a sizable expenditure for the fledgling company at the time, ownership of the Facebook.com domain proved a wise long-term investment, ensuring brand clarity that would become ever more crucial as Facebook spread to become one of the most recognized companies and websites globally over the next decade.


Octazen Solutions
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In early 2010, the social media titan Facebook moved to acquire Octazen Solutions, a small startup focused on streamlining the process of importing contacts into social platforms.

This strategic purchase, reportedly valued at an undisclosed sum, enabled Facebook to integrate Octazen's technology into its own systems, enhancing users' ability to easily connect with existing friends and contacts on Facebook.

At the time, Facebook had established itself as the world's leading social network, with hundreds of millions of active accounts globally.

However, competitor platforms continued working to simplify social networking user experiences in order to eat into Facebook's dominance.

By purchasing Octazen and baking its contact import functionality directly into Facebook's interface, the social giant hoped to further the convenience of its platform and retain its astronomical user base.

The consumption of startups like Octazen marked an era of rapid growth, strategic acquisition, and technical innovation for Facebook as it solidified its position as one of the most important and influential internet companies worldwide.

Direct integrations of acquired technologies would prove vital in Facebook's mission to connect users across digital divides and maintain its social supremacy into the future.


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In April of the year 2010, the vastly popular yet still growing social media firm Facebook moved to purchase Divvyshot, a small photo-sharing startup allowing users to collaboratively curate images into shared galleries.

This acquisition, for a figure not publicly released, marked a competitive move by Facebook to expand their multimedia functionalities as image sharing reigned among the most desirable social features.

Divvyshot’s platform aligned well with Facebook’s mission of facilitating connections through photo posts, tagging friends, and enabling user commentary.

Integrating Divvyshot’s collaborative photo galleries and group curation abilities could strengthen Facebook’s supremacy amid rival platforms like MySpace which also centered heavily on photo sharing capabilities.

Come 2010, Facebook had established itself as the clear leader among a fast-shifting online social landscape.

But heated competition among social startups required agile innovations and shrewd acquisitions of promising technologies like Divvyshot. Incorporating Divvyshot’s features could help boost polarity and retain Facebook’s tremendous user base, cementing its standing as a dominant force ushering in the decade’s online social revolution.


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By 2012, Facebook had ascended as the world’s premier social media network, connecting hundreds of millions of users across the globe daily.

However, photo sharing emerged as an enormously desired digital activity where competitor services like Instagram threatened Facebook’s supremacy.

Seeking to consolidate control of image-based social sharing within its empire, Facebook moved to obtain Instagram in 2012’s highest profile tech acquisition.

Facebook paid a staggering sum of $1 billion to absorb the rapidly growing Instagram startup into its operations, additionally providing stock grants valuing the deal at over $700 million more.

This immense investment marked how fervently Facebook sought to dominate multimedia social sharing amid encroaching rivals in the increasingly competitive Web 2.0 sphere.

Integrating Instagram’s features with Facebook’s enormous global user base provided incredible growth opportunities after the purchase.

And Facebook could apply its advertising model and data philosophy to monetize Instagram audiences.

For a formidable price reflecting confidence in an image-focused social future, consuming Instagram helped FacebookSetPosition itself as a diverse digital conglomerate on its way toward becoming the early 21st century’s preeminent social technology titan.


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By 2013, the social media leviathan Facebook had grown accustomed to acquiring entire companies to integrate their technologies and talent.

However, an interesting turn of events transpired when Facebook purchased not the product of startup Storylane, but rather just its team of developers and designers behind the scenes.

Storylane had produced a mobile application for sharing life stories in a rich, magazine-style format—quite distinct from Facebook’s core social media functionalities.

Rather than purchasing the Storylane product itself, Facebook seized the opportunity to acquire only the startup’s human capital.

This peculiar acquisition underlined Facebook’s principal goals with many purchases: harnessing exceptional talent rather than entirely new capabilities.

Onboarding Storylane’s gifted personnel could inject fresh thinking and expertise into Facebook’s established but ever-evolving array of social features.

And the deal reflected Facebook’s immense financial ability to handpick teams of promising professionals as it continued rising to stratospheric heights in the online world.


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By 2013, Facebook had fine-tuned an acquisition strategy focused on absorbing startups with talented teams and technologies that could enhance its social capabilities.

Practicing this approach, Facebook obtained the mobile web analytics provider Onavo in October 2013 for around $120 million dollars.

Onavo offered comprehensive analysis of mobile app user behavior and traffic volumes, providing key competitive insights.

Facebook sought to leverage these analytic capacities to better understand its mobile ecosystem at a time when smartphones and tablets were fundamentally transforming digital engagement.

Integrating Onavo’s systems within its operations had both offensive and defensive advantages for Facebook.

It could sharpen advertising targeting and product decisions through Onavo’s intel. Additionally, insights into emerging apps helped Facebook recognize rising competitive threats early.

While a substantial sum, Onavo's analytics technologies were well-aligned with Facebook's aims of dominating the rapidly evolving mobile social landscape.

By purchasing Onavo's data-driven offerings, Facebook could bolster its social empire and strategy with key user behavior insights at a pivotal mobile moment.


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By 2014, mobile messaging applications emerged as a grave threat to Facebook’s social media supremacy, with fast-rising startups like WhatsApp boasting hundreds of millions of active users.

Seeking to neutralize an immense competitor, Facebook stunned the tech world in February 2014 with its colossal $19 billion purchase of the messaging phenom WhatsApp.

The eye-watering sum, dwarfing all previous startup acquisitions, underlined Facebook’s determination to assume full control of digital communication channels.

WhatsApp’s acquisition ensconced Facebook with an additional half-billion loyal mobile users, cementing the company's position as the dominant force in social networking for the mobile age.

Post-purchase, Facebook pursued ambitious integrations across its family of apps to leverage WhatsApp’s tremendous user base.

And Facebook would apply its gargantuan resources and advertising machine to monetize WhatsApp audience attention over time.

By paying a record sum nearly ten times startups’ typical valuation, the WhatsApp acquisition saw Facebook double down on its quest for social primacy in the booming mobile age.

A decade into its extraordinary growth trajectory, purchasing WhatsApp saw Facebook again evolve its position and offerings as the early 21st century’s preeminent social technology titan.


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In March 2014, Facebook shocked the technology world when it acquired the virtual reality startup Oculus VR, maker of the pioneering Oculus Rift headset, for a staggering $2 billion in cash and stock.

The acquisition punctuated Facebook’s ambitions beyond traditional social networking and into futuristic realms like interactive virtual worlds.

Oculus represented a massive early bet on virtual reality's long-heralded potential for transforming gaming, communication, and entertainment.

Though highly speculative, Facebook expressed supreme confidence that virtual reality innovations like Oculus could manifest the next revolutionary platform once the necessary hardware and development capabilities fully matured.

And Oculus VR gained invaluable new resources under Facebook for pursuing its grand vision after humble beginnings just two years prior.

History would determine if virtual reality would genuinely blossom into the next major computing paradigm.

But by acquiring the hottest virtual reality property around in 2014 rather than risk a rival purchase, Facebook made an assertive $2 billion wager on being a major force in building that hypothetical future rather than missing out.


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As online interactions evolved beyond text and touch in the early 2010s, Facebook consistently moved to acquire companies specializing in emerging interaction modes—setting its sights on voice technology in 2015.

That January, Facebook purchased Wit.ai, an 18-month old startup building a speech recognition platform for developers to make voice-interactive apps.

Facebook had already enabled some voice capabilities through partnerships with other speech tech firms. But acquiring Wit.ai's proprietary conversation and analytics capacities directly fortified Facebook's in-house expertise for voice user interfaces.

The purchase aligned with Facebook's strategy of aggressively acquiring talent and technology specializing in emerging areas of human-computer interaction.

Having voice input integrated widely across Facebook's family of apps could provide tremendous convenience to the company's users in the years ahead.

The Wit.ai acquisition represented an early investment by the social giant toward a future where speech may join text and imagery as major modes of digital communication and content access.

Time would tell what ultimate utility voice technology offered companies like Facebook. But purchasing Wit.ai underscored Facebook's commitment to exploring new digital frontiers beyond its revolutionary social networking origins.


Quickfire Networks
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As online platforms like Facebook underwent immense growth, serving rich media content like video to vast global user bases posed major technological hurdles.

Seeking to optimize its infrastructure for efficient video delivery, Facebook acquired QuickFire Networks in January 2015, a firm specializing in video compression hardware to enhance quality and upload speeds.

QuickFire's custom solutions for generating smaller, quicker-loading video files could help Facebook improve streaming speeds for the hundreds of millions soon to be billions accessing Facebook daily.

And with video constituting over half of all mobile data traffic circa 2015, on-boarding QuickFire's compression capabilities was strategically vital for Facebook's ambitions as an all-encompassing mobile media platform.

The QuickFire purchase demonstrated Facebook decisively bolstering its fundamentals to support an increasingly multimedia future.

Compressing video files ever more compactly without sacrificing visual quality would prove essential as video communication and broadcasting boomed throughout the 2010s across Facebook's apps.

By buying QuickFire and integrating its technologies, Facebook took a valuable step toward streaming supremacy in the decades ahead.


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As Facebook continued expanding beyond text and static images into richer media, the company acquired startups with cutting-edge visual technologies to maintain its technical edge.

Practicing this in 2018, Facebook purchased Dreambit, a firm leveraging artificial intelligence for advanced image recognition and visual search capacities.

Dreambit’s machine learning systems could intelligently analyze photographic content to support richer browsing and discovery experiences.

Facebook planned to expand its own visual search for better organizing the vast floods of photos and videos posted by its over 2 billion users daily.

This acquisition exemplified Facebook bolstering its fundamental technologies to maximize utility in an increasingly multimedia-centric digital landscape.

Smart incorporation of Dreambit’s AI image classifiers and search algorithms could allow Facebook’s past decades of accrued photos and videos to be explored in innovative ways not previously possible.


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As public and governmental scrutiny mounted over the spread of misinformation and fake accounts on social platforms, Facebook moved to acquire a startup firm called Confirm.io which specialized in a technique called biometric authentication.

Confirm.io's technology used physical identification methods like facial recognition to guarantee users were tying real-world identities to their digital profiles.

Facebook had explored rolling out optional identity confirmation features internally for several years with mediocre adoption.

By purchasing Confirm.io outright in January 2018, Facebook obtained the startup's patented authentication model to reinforce the integrity and trustworthiness of accounts across its apps.

Integrating Confirm.io's human-proofing solutions significantly bolstered Facebook's arsenal for combating the growing epidemics of fake news, fraud, and deception by potentially tying accounts to verified real-world users.

And the acquisition underscored Facebook's commitment to restore its reputation as a trusted brand after years of controversies unraveling from unchecked anonymity among its billions of users.
