William Temple Franklin


© History Oasis
"Temple Franklin, the grandson, is with me, and continues to serve me as a private secretary, taking care of my books and papers."

—Benjamin Franklin

I’m assuming most of you are here because you just saw the show “Franklin” on Apple TV and would like to know more about William Temple Franklin, the illegitimate grandson of Benjamin Franklin.

Well here are some key facts about the famous American living abroad.


portrait of William Temple Franklin
© History Oasis

Temple is actually the son of William Franklin. William you was actually a bastard to Benjamin Franklin who had him with a possible prostitute. William was given up to Benjamin to raise as a baby.

Temple was born to William in a similar matter, like father like son.

This is where the story gets interesting. William and Benjamin were actually on different sides. William, being the governor of New Jersey at the time, was a staunch loyalist, whereas Benjamin was a rebel and loyal to the American cause.

The rebels threw William into prison, So grandpa Franklin had no choice but to take the little Temple under his wings.

Benjamin Franklin would become the first official diplomat to France. He decided to take Temple with him.


portrait of Benjamin Franklin
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During Benjamin Franklin’s diplomatic endeavors in France, he used his son Temple as his personal secretary. He’d be his scribe and confidant throughout their time in Paris from 1776 to 1785.

They’d be key figures in Franco-American diplomacy during the American Revolution.

Temple was more like his grandfather than his father. He was a believer in the revolution throughout the war. Making the family dynamics increasingly interesting.


Temple Franklin as a young lad
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Temple loved France.

Even after the war he decided to stay in Europe as he was seduced by all the charms and intellectual circles.

The women were part of the equation as well.

Being the grandson of the most famous American in France had its perks. In the end, Temple became more European than American in persona.


Temple Franklin writing Benjamin Franklin's works
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Temple, like his grandfather, loved to write and had the skill for it.

He penned a famous biography of Benjamin Franklin that stirred both excitement and controversy.

Temple has been accused of over exaggerating and accused of selective editing.

Though controversial, this biography sold well. Giving Temple the means to keep up with his upper middle class lifestyle.


William Temple Franklin experimenting with magnetism
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Inspired by Benjamin Franklin’s work on electricity. Temple decided to run some experiments on his own.

Temple ran some interesting experiments in the late 18th century on both electricity and magnetism. With these experiments he was able to contribute to the budding scientific discourse of the era.

He made some unique observations on both magnetic fields and how various materials interact with electrical current.

Temple even ran into the famous Italian physicist Luigi Galvani. Luigi discovered something called “animal electricity”, he showed you could make frog legs twitch with electrical stimulation.

This would lead to all kinds of crazy theories including inspiring Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” novel thinking that electricity was the source of life.


William Temple Franklin as a socialite
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Temple is most famous for his rendezvous in the social scenes of Paris. Because his grandfather was so famous, he was invited to the best intellectual and social circles the city could offer.

Temple famously brought American ideals to French traditions. Helping many of friends turn in favor of the American Revolution.

This was a great time to be in Paris. The salons of Parisian society were hotbeds of Enlightenment ideas. They were also rumored to be quite scandalous of the time—think women, alcohol and gambling.


Benjamin Franklin with stacks of cash
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Temple Franklin wasn’t very good with his personal finances. His grandfather had to bail him out all the time for a variety of reasons.

He couldn’t figure out the thrift and prudence that Benjamin Franklin was known for.  

Temple would get in trouble with his finances his entire life.


Benjamin Franklin writing a letter to his grandson Temple
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When Benjamin Franklin left for America. Temple stayed behind in France.

Benjamin never eased up on his correspondence with his grandson. Sending letters as much as possible. Both men had a deep bond formed in very interesting circumstances.

Sadly, Benjamin Franklin died a few years later, leaving Temple to fend for himself in the old world.


William Temple Franklin's gravestone
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William Temple Franklin lived a life spanning two continents. He will be remembered for being Benjamin Franklin’s loyal secretary.

Interestingly, Temple would live to see the French Revolution. Where he narrowly escaped the guillotine.

Temple died at the young age of 63.
