History of Tab Soda


© History Oasis
"Tab soda - the sweetly unique taste of nostalgia in a can."

Long before the "Diet" prefix became synonymous with Coke, there was Tab—the original diet cola that defined a generation's pursuit of a low-calorie, sugar-free alternative to their favorite fizzy drink.

Tab was more than just a beverage; it represented an era in which the world began to prioritize the balance between indulgence and health.

This blog post delves into the fascinating history of Tab, from its inception and rise to prominence, to its decline and eventual disappearance from supermarket shelves.


Tab vintage ad
Source: The Coca-Cola Company

In the dawn of the 1960s, America was transforming. The economy was booming, science and technology were advancing at an unprecedented pace, and society was undergoing a profound metamorphosis.

One particular area that was experiencing a significant shift was the nation's approach to health and diet.

The post-war affluence had led to a surge in obesity rates and a growing awareness of the dangers of excess sugar consumption. This nascent awareness was starting to shape consumer preferences, and it was only a matter of time before companies took notice.

The Coca-Cola Epiphany

The Coca-Cola Company, a behemoth in the beverage industry, was one of the first corporations to understand the magnitude of this shift.

Despite their market dominance, the executives at Coca-Cola were not complacent. They recognized the opportunity and the inherent threat that this new consumer consciousness posed.

A diet soda, they realized, could open up a whole new market, one that was hitherto untapped.

A failure to seize this opportunity could leave them vulnerable to more agile competitors.

The Birth of a New Product

Thus, began the creation of Tab, a project that was as much an act of corporate survival as it was a pioneering innovation.

From the outset, the development of Tab was a monumental task.

A staggering 185,000 potential names were generated by a computer, a novel approach for the time, reflecting Coca-Cola's cutting-edge ethos. The final choice, "Tab," was meant to resonate with the consumer's newfound desire to 'keep tabs' on their weight.

The formula of Tab also represented a significant departure from the traditional cola recipe.

The focus was on creating a drink that was low in calories yet maintained the classic taste that consumers associated with Coca-Cola. It was a delicate balancing act that required the deft combination of innovative science, consumer psychology, and marketing.

The Dawn of Diet Colas

When Tab hit the market in 1963, it was more than just the introduction of a new product—it was a tangible manifestation of the changing times.

It was one of the first diet colas to be created, signaling the dawn of a new era in the soft drink industry.

Tab was not just a soda—it was a symbol of the evolving American consciousness.

The introduction of Tab was a gamble that paid off, marking the beginning of a new chapter in the history of soft drinks.

It laid the foundation for the proliferation of diet sodas and set a new standard for the beverage industry.


Tab vintage ad
Source: The Coca-Cola Company

In the soft drink industry, Tab soda distinguished itself as a trailblazer.

It was a sweet, bubbly beverage that provided the satisfaction of a typical soda without the punitive caloric load, all thanks to a secret weapon—cyclamates.

This little-known sweetener was the answer for those wanting to indulge in a carbonated treat without the guilt. But as it often goes in the world of food science, cyclamates were soon mired in controversy.

The 1969 Ban and the Search for a Replacement

1969 was a landmark year, rife with cultural and political changes, and it was the year cyclamates were banished from the American market due to emerging health concerns.

Suddenly, The Coca-Cola Company found itself in a predicament with Tab.

This once shining star of the low-calorie soft drink market was now caught in a crisis, its key ingredient deemed unsafe. With a gaping hole in its recipe, Tab was under pressure to find a new, acceptable sweetener.

Saccharin Steps Into the Limelight

In came saccharin, a synthetic sweetener with a history stretching back to the 19th century.

Saccharin emerged as the knight in shining armor for Tab, stepping in to fill the void left by cyclamates and ensuring the survival of this beloved beverage.


What Beautiful People Drink Ad
Source: The Coca-Cola Company

Tab stood out from the crowd in the bustling soft drink industry, and the secret to this distinction lay in its brilliant branding strategy.

The plan was straightforward yet profoundly effective: portray Tab as the beverage of choice for those mindful of their beauty and calorie intake.

This move was a masterstroke that resonated with a generation growing increasingly attentive to their health and physical appearance.

The Power of Persuasive Slogans

Tab's marketing campaigns were akin to an intricately composed melody, with each note striking the perfect balance between allure and health-conscious living.

The slogans were not merely catchy taglines designed to draw attention—they were meticulously crafted messages that resonated deeply with their desired audience.

"A Beautiful Drink for Beautiful People"

This slogan, while outwardly appealing to vanity, subtly communicated the promise of preserving one's attractiveness through conscious consumption.

Amid a society growing progressively more focused on appearances, this was a potent message.

"One Calorie Tab. Be A Mindsticker."

This catchy phrase was an ingenious concoction.

It not only emphasized the low-calorie attribute of the drink but also suggested that choosing Tab was an intelligent, mindful decision.

These powerful words helped cement Tab's status as a go-to beverage for those desiring to maintain their physique without compromising on taste.


Tab ad
Source: The Coca-Cola Company

Despite the ebb in Tab's popularity in the face of emerging competition, it managed to retain a dedicated fan base.

This was no ordinary consumer loyalty—it was a fervor that bordered on cult-like dedication.

The intensity of this devotion was so remarkable that it prompted the creation of a 2008 documentary fittingly named "Tab: The Movie."

"Tab: The Movie"

This film delved into the intriguing history of Tab, but its primary focus was on the zealous passion of its aficionados.

These fans were portrayed as individuals willing to traverse great distances and overcome considerable obstacles to procure and stockpile their beloved beverage.

This singular dedication, this peculiar attachment to a soda, made for a fascinating exploration of consumer loyalty.

More Than Just a Beverage

For these devotees, Tab transcended its status as a mere drink. It was a potent symbol of nostalgia, a tantalizing reminder of the flavors of their youth, and a poignant marker of an era long past.

It wasn't just about the taste or the low-calorie promise—it was about the memories and emotions that every can of Tab seemed to encapsulate.


Tab Clear
Source: The Coca-Cola Company

In the early 1990s, a curious phenomenon swept across the soda industry.

The landscape was suddenly dominated by clear beverages, a trend that seemed as bewildering as it was unexpected.

This was a time when The Coca-Cola Company unveiled Tab Clear to the world, a direct counter to Pepsi's Crystal Pepsi.

A Transparent Confrontation

The launch of Tab Clear in 1992 was a calculated move designed to go head-to-head with Crystal Pepsi.

The strategy was clear: capitalize on the growing perception that clear drinks were somehow purer, healthier, and more natural than their colored equivalents.

This was a battle not just between two soft drink giants, but also between two visions of what consumers perceived as healthy.

The Bubble Bursts

As with many fads, the clear soda craze proved to be ephemeral.

Both Tab Clear and Crystal Pepsi were pulled from the market within a few years of their introduction, victims of a trend that had fizzled out as quickly as it had bubbled up.


Diet Coke ad
Source: The Coca-Cola Company

The year 1982 marked a significant turn in The Coca-Cola Company's history with the introduction of Diet Coke.

This new entrant was designed with a flavor profile closely resembling the original Coca-Cola, a feature that quickly won over consumers.

As Diet Coke's star rose, it inadvertently began casting a long shadow over Tab, its low-calorie sibling. Despite sharing the same corporate parent, these two diet colas found themselves locked in a bitter struggle for market dominance.

The Sibling Rivalry

The competition between Diet Coke and Tab was more than just a sibling rivalry.

It was a tussle for the very soul of the diet soda market, a contest between the old guard and the new. Ironically, both products were offspring of the same company, yet they were pitted against each other in a battle for the same consumer base.

The Corporate Priority Shift and Tab's Struggle

Ultimately, The Coca-Cola Company made a decisive move.

It shifted its marketing focus and resources towards Diet Coke, effectively leaving Tab to fend for itself in a market that was growing increasingly competitive and saturated.

This strategic decision, while perhaps rational from a business perspective, signaled the beginning of a slow and painful march towards obscurity for Tab.


Tab Ad
Source: The Coca-Cola Company

In October 2020, The Coca-Cola Company delivered the news many had been dreading but expecting.

Tab, the diet soda that had once been a trailblazer in its category, was to be discontinued by year's end. This announcement marked the end of an era, drawing the curtains on a near sixty-year run that had seen the soft drink rise to prominence, only to slowly fade away.

The Swan Song of a Diet Soda Pioneer

For many, this news was met with a sense of nostalgia, a melancholic farewell to a beverage that had once been a fixture of their lives.

The announcement felt like the inevitable conclusion to a narrative that had begun with great promise, only to meander towards an ending that seemed preordained by the harsh realities of the marketplace.

The Legacy Of Tab

Despite its twilight, the story of Tab serves as a compelling testament to the dynamics of the consumer products industry.

It's a narrative that underscores the powerful influence of marketing, the capriciousness of consumer preferences, and the fleeting nature of trends.

