Benjamin Franklin’s Hand Paddle


© History Oasis
"With each stroke of my new paddles, I propel myself through the water with ease and speed as if I were a natural denizen of the pond. The broad ovals worn on my palms allow me to pull more water with each swim stroke, gliding me forward with minimal effort. Though they may appear like mere swimming gloves, these paddles feel as if I have grown webs between my fingers and thumbs like those of a duck or turtle. I am no Mark Spitz, but with my invention I can swim for miles without tiring. My hope is that all who don swimsuits may someday paddle forth with similar speed and tranquility."

—Benjamin Franklin

As an eminent polymath with diverse interests, Benjamin Franklin turned his inventive mind to solving problems both profound and pedestrian.

In 1763, while living in England as the colonial representative for Pennsylvania, Franklin sought to improve upon the efficiency of human swimming through ingenuity. Observing the natural speed of ducks propelling through water, he deduced that increasing the surface area of the hands could augment propulsive force.

Thus, Franklin devised what he termed his "swimming gloves" or "swimming hands"—a pair of oval palettes made of wood, affixed with straps to be worn on the palms. With a hole for each thumb, these paddles sat snugly against the hands, transforming them into makeshift flippers.

Though primitive in design, they allowed Franklin to knife through water with reduced drag. In letters to friends, he enthusiastically described how his new apparatus enabled him to swim miles with ease, whereas previously he could only manage a quarter-mile before tiring.

While his peculiar invention did not garner mass appeal, it demonstrates Franklin's playful spirit of inquiry and drive to enhance everyday tasks through invention.

Benjamin Franklin’s hand paddle was a precursor to the swim fins developed centuries later, showing Franklin's position at the vanguard of optimizing human kinetics. Though a renown polymath, he found joy in creating simple solutions to mundane problems, embodying the industrious ethos of emerging America.


What the hand paddles might have looked like
© History Oasis

As with many of his inventions, Benjamin Franklin exercised ingenuity in transforming a simple observation of nature into a novel contraption for human benefit.

The key to his hand paddle design lay in its unique form factor. Each paddle consisted of an oval-shaped palette made of light wood, approximately the size of an open palm. Holes were drilled into the top and bottom of the palette to allow passage for the thumb and affixment to the wrist.

To secure the paddles, Franklin attached leather straps to each side, threaded through the oval holes. The swimmer would place each palm on a paddle, poking their thumbs through the holes and fastening the straps snugly around the wrist. This created a tight seal, preventing the paddles from slipping off, even with vigorous aquatic flailing.  

Once strapped on, the paddles served as an extension of the swimmer's hands.

The flat, expansive ovals enabled far greater water resistance per stroke compared to cupped bare hands. Franklin saw this as a way to mimic the propulsive webbed feet of waterfowl.

Though perhaps awkward on land, the paddles transformed human hands into effective flippers in water.

While crude in implementation, Franklin's paddle design demonstrated his knack for refining tools through patient trial-and-error. He used his own body as a testing ground for innovations to improve life's daily motions and tasks.


A representation on how the hand paddles helped the swimmer
© History Oasis

Benjamin Franklin's insatiable curiosity and aptitude for physics led him to ponder methods of augmenting human propulsion in water.

Through first principles, he deduced that increasing the surface area of the hands would enable more water resistance per stroke. This greater purchase would allow a swimmer to pull more water backward, providing forward thrust.

To test this theory, Franklin devised his hand paddles.

With each broad stroke, the paddles would catch dramatically more water than cupped hands alone. This expanded paddle surface area resulted in much greater propulsive force, driving the swimmer forward with less effort.

In letters to friends, Franklin enthusiastically described how wearing the paddles allowed him to swim miles in the Thames River with ease. Without them, he strained to swim more than a quarter mile before requiring rest. The hand paddles effectively minimized drag while maximizing the water dragged backward with each swimming motion.

Through this invention, Franklin demonstrated an empirical understanding of kinetics decades before formal study in physics. By incrementally testing paddle shapes and sizes, he was able to measurably improve human propulsion and endurance in water.


two ducks swimming
© History Oasis

Benjamin Franklin's genius often manifests through his integration of astute observations of the natural world into pragmatic human inventions.

According to some historians, his conception of the hand paddles arose from scrutinizing the effortless mobility of ducks through water. Their webbed feet provide ample surface area to push more water backward with each propelling kick.

Franklin speculated that adapting this elegant natural solution to human hands could similarly enhance swimming speed and ease. Ducks' webbed feet evolved to optimize thrust, reducing drag across the water's surface. By mimicking this design, Franklin manufactured primitive artificial webbing between his own fingers using wooden palettes.  

Secured to each palm, the oval paddles enabled far greater water resistance per stroke compared to bare hands. In essence, he augmented his hands to gain an advantage common to web-footed species.

The hand paddles represented an early biomimetic innovation—utilizing natural morphological concepts for human benefit.


Benjamin Franklin sad that nobody likes his paddles
© History Oasis

Though the paddles proved cumbersome outside the water, their lack of mass adoption does not diminish their genesis as a product of Franklin's prolific ingenuity. He possessed an empiricist's mindset, envisioning novel tools through incremental experimentation. Even designs that never saw wide implementation provided valuable kernels of insight.

This drive to refine and reinvent emanated from Franklin's insatiable curiosity and confidence in human inventiveness.

He endowed mundane objects with previously unfathomed utility by materializing the workings of his restless mind. The hand paddles exemplified this imaginative spirit and served as an embryonic model for later swimming aids.

Indeed, Franklin's paddles foreshadowed the development of modern swim fins hundreds of years later. Though unpopular in their day, they embodied his fascination with tweaking and testing devices to enhance function. Franklin viewed the world as an unfinished canvas, full of potential upgrades waiting to be discovered through diligent tinkering.

His quotidian inventions like bifocals, the lightning rod, and efficient heating stoves also arose from meticulous attention to detail and prototyping.

Few thinkers possessed Franklin's combination of pragmatic idealism and zealous work ethic in pursuit of improvements for human life. Though merely a curious footnote in his prolific career, the hand paddles highlighted his uncompromising drive to build, test and create.


A scuba diver swimming in the sea
© History Oasis

With hindsight, we can trace the evolution of swimming technology back to Benjamin Franklin's primitive palm-worn paddles. Though obscure in their day, they presaged the development of swim fins centuries later through a shared hydrodynamic principle.

Franklin intuited that increasing the hand surface area would allow more water resistance per stroke, driving the swimmer forward. The paddle's flat oval shape amplified propulsive force far beyond bare cupped hands. This same shape and theory would later be adapted to swim fins worn on the feet.

Both paddles and fins function as prosthetic appendages that enlarge the extremities' surface area to grab more water with each kick or pull. This maximizes thrust while minimizing drag due to their streamlined design. Just as Franklin's paddles improved arm propulsion, fins optimize the legs for swimming propulsion.

Franklin, through his characteristic ingenuity, grasped a basic physical principle long before the formal study of hydrodynamics.

His prescient paddle design embodied nascent insight into kinetics and resistance decades before modern swim fins built upon those same ideas. While Franklin could not have predicted the eventual trajectory, his paddles represented early prototypes whose utility would be gradually refined over generations.

They illustrated how humble innovations can contain the seeds of more ambitious later inventions when improved upon iteratively.

For this prototypical contribution, Benjamin Franklin merits recognition as an unwitting forefather of modern aquatic sports technology. Though his paddles disappeared, their hydrodynamic wisdom glided on.
