Benjamin Franklin’s Philosophy


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"In the vast ocean of life, philosophy is the compass that guides us towards the shores of wisdom and understanding."

—Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding fathers of the United States, was a man of many talents and accomplishments.

A writer, scientist, inventor, statesman, and philosopher, Franklin's wisdom and wit have left an indelible mark on American history and culture.

We will explore some of the key principles, ideas and Benjamin philosophy of life.


Benjamin Franklin writing his 13 virtures
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Moral compasses are often seem askew, we might take a page out of Benjamin Franklin's book—or rather, his personal notebook—where he chronicled his pursuit of virtuous living.

This ambitious gentleman contrived a list of thirteen virtues that he supposed would sail him straight into the harbors of moral perfection.

And, knowing old Ben, he had a plan in place to tame these virtues one by one.

A Curious Collection of Virtues

Now, this assortment of virtues was a curious mix, indeed.

From temperance and silence to chastity and humility, Mr. Franklin spared no aspect of human conduct in his endeavor to become a better man.

He approached this lofty goal with the practicality and wit for which he is so well known—allotting one week to each virtue in turn—as if training a troupe of wayward actors to perform a grand morality play.

The Systematic Approach to Moral Development

This systematic method for cultivating virtues may strike some as peculiar, but in the hands of Mr. Franklin, it was a testament to his unyielding devotion to self-improvement.

By devoting a week's attention to each virtue, he ensured that no stone was left unturned in his quest for moral perfection. In doing so, he demonstrated that the pursuit of virtue is not a destination but rather a journey—one that requires persistence, self-reflection, and a healthy dose of humor.


The Junto Club
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Bright minds are often islands unto themselves, Benjamin Franklin, with his characteristic ingenuity, contrived a solution for this dreadful predicament.

In 1727, he founded the Junto Club, a congregation of inquisitive souls eager to wrangle with the most vexing questions of morals, politics, and natural philosophy.

These fine gentlemen, who dubbed themselves "the Leather Apron Club," recognized that, in unity, they could tap into a wellspring of collective wisdom far deeper than the shallow pools of individual thought.

A Spirited Exchange of Ideas

This motley crew of thinkers, bound together by their shared passion for intellectual discourse, would convene to parley and deliberate on matters both grand and mundane.

They exchanged ideas with the fervor of riverboat gamblers and the finesse of seasoned fencers, each parry and thrust of argument sharpening their minds and refining their understanding.

In these debates, the members of the Junto Club found fertile soil for the seeds of innovation and collaboration to take root and blossom.

An Incubator for Progress

The Junto Club was not merely a haven for idle chatter and philosophical musings.

Nay, it served as a crucible for transformative ideas and the forging of civic-minded individuals who sought to better their community.

Franklin's gathering of great minds became a beacon of progress, illuminating the path toward intellectual growth and civic engagement.


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In an age where conversation can resemble the wild frontier more than a cultivated garden, Benjamin Franklin's refined sensibilities offer a much-needed antidote.

A staunch advocate for the art of conversation, he devised a collection of rules to keep discourse both civil and fruitful.

These principles, like the polished stones of a well-tended pathway, guided his interactions with others and allowed for the free flow of ideas.

The Pillars of Productive Conversation

Among the cardinal tenets of Franklin's conversational etiquette were the shunning of dogmatic declarations, the employment of modest language—and the humble admission that one's own understanding might be fallible.

By adhering to these principles, Franklin ensured that he could engage in meaningful discourse with individuals hailing from the most diverse corners of society.

Bridging the Chasms of Misunderstanding

By promoting open and respectful dialogue, Franklin revealed the power of communication as a tool for bridging seemingly insurmountable divides.

With his genteel approach, he demonstrated how conversation could serve as a unifying force, fostering understanding and cooperation among even the most disparate of individuals.


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A person might indulge in frivolous pursuits or rest on their laurels, Benjamin Franklin, that paragon of industriousness, charted a course toward a different destination: the land of usefulness.

He held firmly to the conviction that an individual's true worth was measured by their ability to render service to society, and he endeavored to lead a life that epitomized this principle.

Inventions Born of Necessity and Ingenuity

Ever the ingenious tinkerer, Franklin's dedication to the cause of usefulness yielded a bounty of inventions that sprang forth from the marriage of necessity and innovation.

Among these remarkable creations were the lightning rod, bifocal glasses, and the Franklin stove—each a testament to his unwavering commitment to improving the lives of his fellow citizens.

A Life Dedicated to Public Service

Franklin's pursuit of usefulness was not confined to his workshop or laboratory—it extended into the realm of public service, where he toiled tirelessly to better the lot of his fellow man.

From establishing the first public library in America to his diplomatic endeavors, Franklin's labors in the public sphere bore the hallmark of his commitment to the greater good.


Benjamin Franklin the humorist
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Though a serious thinker, Franklin also recognized the importance of humor in human affairs.

He often employed wit and satire in his writings, using them as tools to convey his thoughts and ideas.

He believed that humor could be used to enlighten and educate, as well as to entertain, and he was not above poking fun at himself to make a point.

Franklin's use of humor demonstrates his understanding of the power of laughter to disarm and engage, fostering connection and empathy in the process.

The Pen as a Jester's Staff

In his writings, Franklin employed humor not merely as a frivolous diversion, but as a means to educate and enlighten.

He understood that the sting of satire could pierce through the veil of ignorance and complacency, opening the minds of his audience to new perspectives and insights.

And, in the spirit of a true humorist, he was never reluctant to turn the spotlight of satire upon himself, exposing his own foibles as a means to make a point.

The Transformative Power of Laughter

Franklin's mastery of the art of humor serves as a testament to his understanding of the potent power of laughter.

He recognized that humor could forge connections and foster empathy, drawing people together and bridging the gaps that might otherwise separate them.

In this, he demonstrated that laughter is not a mere trifle, but a force for transformation and enlightenment.


Benjamin Franklin enjoying food
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In the intricate ballet that is life, Benjamin Franklin, understood the importance of striking a delicate balance between pleasure and pain. He believed that the pursuit of happiness was a noble and worthy endeavor, but one that required the tempering of life's sweetest delights with the bitter tonic of adversity.

The Tightrope of Virtue

Franklin, ever the practical thinker, set about cultivating virtues that would enable him to walk the tightrope between pleasure and pain with grace and poise. He recognized that only by maintaining this precarious equilibrium could he achieve true happiness and lead a life of fulfillment.

The Wisdom of Moderation

This belief in the balance of pleasure and pain bears witness to Franklin's keen understanding of the complexities of the human experience. He appreciated that life's sweetest moments could be savored only when set against the backdrop of struggle and hardship. And, in this, he demonstrated the importance of moderation in the pursuit of happiness.


Benjamin Franklin thinking about the value of time
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In the bustling marketplace of life, Benjamin Franklin, that astute observer and student of human nature, recognized the precious gem that is time. He understood that time, once spent, could never be recovered or replaced, and he wisely counseled his fellow mortals to treasure and spend it with care.

The Currency of Life

Franklin's deep appreciation for the value of time led him to declare, "Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that's the stuff life is made of." These sage words, echoing down the corridors of history, serve as a powerful reminder that time is the currency with which we purchase our experiences, and we would do well to invest it judiciously.

A Master of Time Management

To ensure that he made the most of his own temporal allotment, Franklin devised a daily schedule, a practical tool that enabled him to maintain a disciplined and productive existence. By carving out specific hours for work, rest, and reflection, he transformed each day into a well-ordered symphony of purposeful activity.


a school house
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In a world too often content to bask in the dull glow of ignorance, Benjamin Franklin, that self-taught savant and prodigious polymath, stood as a shining testament to the transformative power of education.

He held firm to the conviction that the human mind, when cultivated and nourished with knowledge, could transcend the limits of circumstance and shape the world for the better.

The Champion of Public Education

Franklin's devotion to the cause of learning was not merely a private passion; he was a tireless advocate for public education—believing that an enlightened citizenry was the bedrock of a thriving society.

With the fervor of a missionary, he played a pivotal role in the establishment of numerous educational institutions, including the esteemed University of Pennsylvania, ensuring that the flame of knowledge would burn brightly for generations to come.

The Ever-Growing Tree of Human Potential

At the core of Franklin's commitment to education lay his unshakable belief in the capacity of human beings to grow, evolve, and flourish.

He understood that the fertile soil of learning could nurture the seeds of potential within each person, allowing them to blossom into the fullest expression of their unique talents and abilities.


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Pride and arrogance often hold sway, Benjamin Franklin, that towering figure of American history, stood as a shining example of humility.

Despite his myriad accomplishments and the laurels heaped upon him, he remained steadfast in his belief that humility was the cornerstone of a virtuous life.

The Window to Growth and Learning

Franklin understood that humility, like a clear pane of glass, allowed one to see their own shortcomings and learn from the wisdom of others.

He knew that this gentle virtue could pry open the doors of the mind, inviting in the light of knowledge and understanding. In this, he recognized the importance of remaining open to growth and learning, even when basking in the warm glow of success.

The Eternal Quest for Moral Perfection

Franklin's commitment to humility was manifest in his unrelenting pursuit of moral perfection, a journey that he acknowledged would never truly reach its end.

He strove to cultivate a spirit of humility within himself, recognizing that true greatness lay not in the trappings of worldly success but in the quiet grace of a humble heart.


portrait of Benjamin Franklin
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Benjamin Franklin's philosophy offers a wealth of wisdom and insight for those seeking to live a life of purpose, meaning, and virtue.

By exploring his thirteen virtues, his approach to intellectual discourse, his commitment to usefulness, and his understanding of the complexities of human experience, we can glean valuable lessons that continue to resonate today.
